Post by Dubh on Oct 1, 2012 17:01:52 GMT -5
Diversity Forums Online (Click the image above or click here.Diversity Forums Online is a friendly, safe, and diverse message board that is interesting to people of different ages, sexes, backgrounds, and hobbies. Our mission: To create a fun, safe, and friendly place for teens and adults alike. To become one of the top general bords from Proboards and to give people of all ages and sexes a place to talk, expand their knowledge, and pass some time. A few of our goals: - Become open to the public
[/s] [/li][li]Have a successful official opening day [/li][li]Create an original skin and look[/s]
[/li][li]Advertise on 50 forums [/li][li]Develop a solid staff team [/li][li]Have 5 members[/s] [/li][li]Have 15 members [/li][li]Have 25 members [/li][li]Have 40 members [/li][li]Have 70 members [/li][li]Have 100 members [/li][/ul] As you can see, member safety and confidentiality is important to us. You can review our recommended safety steps here. Read more: diversimunity.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=mld&action=display&thread=229&page=1#ixzz285QrWKxY
New Member
Posts: 5
Post by first on Apr 12, 2013 0:17:17 GMT -5
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